In-building Cellular Enhancement

Why it’s SO critical

work_with_no_signalToday’s wireless and data communications are essential to the bottom line of doing business. People need to be able to access information and share it as quickly, efficiently, and effectively as possible. It improves the whole organization and the ability to serve your customer base. When people spend unnecessary extra time trying to get information, or ineffectively not finding what they need, the business suffers in terms of productivity and innovation.

In an age where connectivity and collaboration are critical paths for successful operation, having no wireless service can jeopardize your competitive edge. It is a necessary investment for keeping your business on equal footing with your competitors and promoting engaged interaction with your customers.

With DNS Technology Solutions, we consult with you first to understand your needs and the location. We will work with you in making sure you receive the optimum solution that fits your budget.

axell-advanced_digital_filteringDNS Technology Solutions starts with an onsite survey where we take measurements and review site construction to identify what options are available for your site. The site survey is critical for identifying the best cost effective solution for your need and site. Once the site survey is completed, we schedule time with you to go over options and enable you to fine tune the scope and installation so the solution fits your budget and cellular enhancement needs. DNS Technology Solutions then submits a quote. Once an approved PO is received, we then work with you to schedule installation. Installation is completed once testing is successfully completed.

jumping_ladyWhen we fix the signal it is like going from night to day. Suddenly you can access everything you need. It is always enjoyable to see the transformation in attitudes and effectiveness. People are ecstatic when they first see the difference.

DNS offers the most cost effective solutions for the areas, wireless carriers, and speed you need. Feel free to give us a call at (215) 431-7400, so we can help you achieve what works best for your people!